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Hermeneutics is the newest science about most ancient knowledge of humankind. It is like speaking about a UFO found at the Troy excavation.
Most of all, in our times, Herman Hesse depicted it in his “The Glass Bead Game”. In general, including all the science and the arts, it represents their arrival point and, at the same time, their spinal column. The relationship between hermeneutics and arts is the relationship between myth and reality, between archetypes and types. Shakespeare speaking about theatre in “Hamlet”, and Stanislavskij speaking about the super task in his “System”, were actually speaking about theater hermeneutics. Setting philosophy more highly than any other knowledge, Socrates arrived to the hermeneutics of philosophy; the Gospel statement “He who has ears to hear, let him hear” is a coded method of hermeneutics; the main principles of quantum physics are the same as the main principles of hermeneutics.

Despite its apparent wideness, this science is very precise; not influenced by relativism, as the hermeneutics of relativism doesn’t leave any trace of it. In simple words hermeneutics reveals the aim of things, in less simple words it is the crossing of the categories of the meaning areas; and by more complex words, it is the spiritual analysis of the structure and of the composition of styles.

Despite the apparent complexity, this science is approachable and recommended to everyone: to those who haven’t chosen their profession yet, and to those who would like to reach the core of their activity. It can be hermeneutics of music, hermeneutics of painting, of theatre, of cinema, of gesture, of physics, of mathematics, hermeneutics of philosophy, of religion, of family, of politics, and so on. Hermeneutics itself doesn’t dominate, but reveals the potential of your artistic activity, of your aware presence, or to be more precise, it amplifies the presence of awareness.

The school’s methodology depends only on your psychophysical and spiritual apparatus. It means you are the method and the school your playing field, as in “mirror of Hamlet”, “Plato dialogue” and “Game of Hesse”. Theatre modelling and active hermeneutics method (practice of theory and theory of practice) are used. Generally, speaking about method concerning hermeneutics is not really correct as hermeneutics itself proves to be the method.

Courses will last two years with an optional third year for specialization. Sessions last 4/6 weeks per semester. There will be three to five months breaks between sessions, necessary for homework and personal reflections on what was learnt. The students wouldn’t be able to sustain a more intense schedule. For a similar reason, the Academy is located on a small island, with the two necessary conditions for this type of work: Silence and Beauty. The courses will be taught by Professors of the Academy, and visiting lecturers chosen according to students’ specialities. Both the organization and the admission to the Academy follow a principle of live and creative development. The program will be defined according to the character and potential of the group, in contrast with classical universities with their fixed schemes of  admission and teaching.

The selection process is open to whoever takes life seriously




Session I (6 weeks)

Hamlet – Heidegger – Hermeneutic

  1. Principles of Hermeneutics
  2. Start of the analysis
  3. Structure and composition
  4. Relationships between content and object
  5. The game as a model
  6. Being and existence
  7. Types of consciousness
  8. Philosophy of art and art philosophy
  9. Theory practice

Session II (6 weeks)

Dostoevskij – Plato – Nietzsche

  1. Plato and Socrates
  2. The dialogue in Dostoevskij and Plato
  3. Raskol’nikov e Zarathustra
  4. State ruling (from the Greeks to Obama); dynamics of democracy
  5. Eroticism and intellect
  6. Principles of creation
  7. Active Hermeneutics
  8. The shadow of Hamlet’s father, and the shadows of Plato
  9. Theory practice


Session I (6 weeks)

Čechov – Music – Architecture – Psychology

  1. Čechov and Bach; polyphony
  2. Architecture of the word; music of the word
  3. Architecture of music; language of music; the word sound; the break
  4. The categories of psychology and the “non-psychological”; Psychology of the character and psychology of the work
  5. Person, character, author, actor; The line, the volume, the invisible
  6. The architecture and the cosmos
  7. Uncle Vanya and Schopenhauer
  8. Sign, symbol, archetype, humour; the game in life, playing with life, the life of the game, the game in the game, life in life, life in the game
  9. Theory practice

Session II (6 weeks)

Beckett – Gilles Deleuze – Dance – Einstein – Existentialism

  1. From Molière to Beckett
  2. The cause of dancing
  3. Gilles Deleuze; the thought dance
  4. Relativity and space
  5. Einstein; the movement through and beyond; light speed and shadows speed; geometry and poetry
  6. Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Freud, Berdjaev, Koltès; the mirror of Europe
  7. Stanislavsky and the heart of boredom; the theatre; the old age; the eternal youth
  8. Waiting for Godot; the time, the moment, nothingness, eternity; the transcendental; the apophatic
  9. Theory practice


Session I & II (6 weeks each)

Anthropology – Theology – Mystique

  1. Leonardo da Vinci, Tarkovsky, Fellini; the language of painting and cinema
  2. Osho, Gurdjieff, Blavatsky, Gibran; the ways of the spirit
  3. “The Three Brothers” by Gurdjieff; “The Three Sisters” by Čechov; “The Brothers Karamazov”
  4. Confucius, Krishna, Tao, Kurosawa
  5. The double:
    • Don Quixote – Hamlet
    • Stanislavsky – Meyerhold
    • Buddha – Christ
    • Tarkosvky – Fellini
    • Euclid – Lobachevsky
    • Richard III – King Lear
    • Francis of Assisi – Basil the Blessed
  6. Christ and Christianity
    Buddha and Buddhism
    Mohammed and Islam
  7. Theory practice


The didactive activities of the Universal Academy of hermeneutics are sponsored by:

The Universal Academy foundation E.T.S

and the restaurant chain



What are the financial resources of the Academy and where do they come from? The Academy works thanks to the financial support of the Foundation “Fondazione Universal Academy of Hermeneutics E.T.S. and OF the chain of restaurants Tandem

Who are the pedagogues of the teaching staff? The Academy focuses on the universal and alive nature of the teaching process. Professors from worldwide universities are invited according to the specific character of each group of students. Director of the Academy: Anton Michailovic Milenin.

What are the principles of the Academy educational and learning process? In fact, the shortlisting and teaching criteria are based on real/live interaction, on the exchanges among individuals and groups, and it would therefore be inaccurate and reducing to put them into written words.

Does the Academy award a diploma? The Academy does not give a State Diploma. An attendance certificate will be provided at the end of courses.

What kind of specialization does the Academy provide, and in which fields of knowledge? Students specialize in the field of Hermeneutics. From juridical to philosophical hermeneutics, to hermeneutics of art and cultures, in their general aspects and in their specificexpressions.




Fondazione Universal Academy of Hermeneutics E.T.S.
C.f 95278850631
Sede Legale: Via S.Giovanni Maggiore Pignatelli 1b 80134 Napoli
Sede Operativa: Località Serra de Mesu Snc 09017 Sant’Antioco CI
Sede Operativa: Via San Giovanni Maggiore Pignatelli 1b 80134 Napoli